
宅鱼吧 23天前 13

北京格莱蒙特国际贸易有限公司是专业性的外贸公司,公司下设出口部和进口部,业务以进出口贸易、国内贸易、中间服务、进出口代理为主,经营品种有化工品、乳制品、食品和饲料添加剂等。我公司在美国、日本、韩国,澳大利亚、意大利、英国、挪威、波兰、俄罗斯以及东南亚、南美、非洲等地都有长期稳定的客户关系,公司业务增长迅速.公司坚持人才是公司***财富的理念,由于进出口工作是一项漫长,细致而又烦琐的工作,短期内难以提升业绩,所以,本公司希望有志于这项工作而且能够长期脚踏实地而又坚持自己长期目标能够实现并能够主动积极为这些目标的实现进行有计划的长期的准备的人才。公司提供良好的办公氛围,有竞争性薪金制度。公司为员工提供良好福利待遇,缴纳五险一金,每年组织员工旅游,定期发放劳保用品。 公司网址:******************* Gremount was established in 1999 as an importer and exporter of chemical product. Since then, through expansion and diversification Gremount has grown to become a market leader in the fields of food, feed additives and industrial chemicals which enjoyed consolidated sales of more than USD 10 million in 2003. In addition, the Gremount has a growing commitment to the light product, pharmaceutical and specialty chemical markets. Gremount headquarters is located in Beijing, China. The Gremount has international sales offices in major commercial markets throughout the world such as Hongkong ,Warsaw. In addition, Gremount has established formal distribution agreements and long-term relationships with leading chemical manufacturers for the sale of their products both domestically and internationally. The principle the company will adhere to is that just what the world needs, the customer is our primary concern.

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